Sunday, October 15, 2023

Prattville Dragoons Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1624 Chaplain's Column for October 2023 - False Teachings

“He replied, “Don’t let anyone mislead you, for many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah,’ and saying, ‘The time has come!’ But don’t believe them.” ”

—Luke 21:8

Over the last few weeks we have heard alot about false teachings and prophets. Recently we have heard that Andy Stanley, son of the late Charles Stanley, and Pastor of the Atlanta megachurch, Northpoint Church, has held "conferences" to promote inclusion of the gay lifestyle  in church. Trying to wrap it in a "diversity" bow, Stanley has committed the error (sin) of changing the Word to conform to the world. The Church is to be the opposite. We are to be a bulwark against the pro-Sodomite and anti-religious sentiment of the world around us. Stanley is just one of many that I could list. But  this should not surprise us. The Bible has warned us of this for thousands of years. Jesus warned us of the false prophets. So did the Apostles Paul and Peter.

If we look at Revelation 13:11-18, we are given seven (7) signs of a false prophet. Some of those signs are that they promote the teachings of Satan, not God. Another is that he deceives people to follow false teachings. Those are just two but they can be applied to what we see in many Churches today. The "feel-good" philosophy of Joel Olsteen comes to mind. The "prosperity gospel" of Creflo Dollar to name another.

I am going to delve into this more in a future article, but I have included the musings of Pastor Greg Laurie, of Harvest Church, on his thoughts on false teachings and prophets:

"In the times in which we’re living, we should be aware of religious deception. Jesus said that in the last days, there would be an explosion of it, culminating in the appearance of the ultimate deceiver, the Antichrist.

We should look out for cults and groups who say they’re the way to God and that their leader, guru, or teacher is the Messiah. Today, in addition to relatively established cults, newer groups have sprung up. There has been a literal explosion of mysticism and spirituality in recent years.

But for the most part, it has not been a return to biblical Christianity. Rather, it has been a New Age mixture of everything under the umbrella of so-called spirituality.

People basically have a do-it-yourself divinity. They say things like, “I don’t believe in organized religion, but I am a very spiritual person. I draw a little from this belief and a little from that belief. It all will get us to Heaven or closer to God.”

However, the Bible tells us that in the last days, Satan will use every kind of wicked deception to fool those who are on their way to destruction because they refuse to believe the truth that would save them. They will be condemned for not believing the truth.

We need to realize that whenever there is the genuine, there always will be the counterfeit. The devil is the great deceiver and the great counterfeiter. Jesus said of him, “He has always hated the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, it is consistent with his character; for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44 NLT).

The devil is an expert at offering substitutes for the real thing, with enough truth to make it believable and enough error to destroy us.

That is why we must be students of Scripture. The Bible tells us to test the spirits to see if they’re really of God (see 1 John 4:1). We must stop believing the false teachings that come our way. Far too often, we in the church are gullible because we allow our feelings and emotions to direct us instead of looking at things through a biblical lens. We must learn to think biblically and compare everything to what the Bible teaches.

We also need to understand that all religions do not teach the same thing. To believe otherwise is to ignore what the Bible teaches. Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me” (John 14:6 NLT).

If you are a true Christian, then you must believe that Jesus Christ is the only way to God."

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