Friday, May 10, 2024

Prattville Dragoons Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 Commander's Column for May 2024 - Priorities for New Camp Administration

As I sit here typing my first commander’s column I do so with a great humility and appreciation for the honor the Dragoons have given me by allowing me to serve as commander.  Sir Issac Newton spoke of having “stood on the shoulders of giants.”  Following Stuart Waldo as commander I know how Newton felt.  All of us have truly stood on the shoulders of that giant.  All of us owe him a debt of gratitude for his leadership. 


As I assume command I want to spell out my priorities for my tenure:


First and foremost will be recruiting!  If an organization doesn’t grow it’s bound to die.  President Richard Nixon spoke of the so called “silent majority.”  Despite what the media would have us believe I am convinced there are many people who believe as we all do.  They have been cowed by enemy propaganda.  I want to challenge everyone to make it a goal to recruit at least one new member this year.


Next will be visibility in the community.  City Fest is coming up.  Next will be the July 4th Celebration. Finally, the year will conclude with the annual Christmas extravaganza at Buena Vista. We need all Dragoons to attend these functions.


I feel I need to remind everyone of our on-going commitment to maintain Indian Hill and Robinson Springs Cemeteries.  John Dennis has done yeoman’s service at Indian Hill.  He shouldn’t be doing it alone  When cemetery work days are called we need as many men as possible to show.


Finally, we need maximum attendance at our monthly meetings.  It is embarrassing to invite speakers who often travel long distances to have only a small number of people present to hear them.  Let’s not let this happen!


I’ll close by saying it is an honor and a privilege to serve as your commander for the following year.  With God’s help, and yours we’ll make this the best year yet!


Deo Vindice

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