Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Sons of Confederate Veterans at Children of the Confederacy National Convention - Music and Moon Pies in the Marble City

SCV AL SWC Brigade Commander Waldo of  SCV Camp 1524 attended the Children of the Confederacy convention with his children on Saturday July 20th in Knoxville, Tennessee.  It was called Music and Moon Pies in the Marble City.  The convention brought together children of the CofC, UDC members and SCV members, family and friends for a few days of business meetings, field trips to area historical sites, and lots of fun and good food.  A contingent of twelve represented Alabama.  On Saturday, after final registration, a final business session was held at which elections of the national officers was conducted.  Reports from the sitting officers and committee leads were also presented.  An entertaining respite was the quizzes for kids of different age groups for the CofC Catechism, testing their knowledge of the period of the War for Southern Independence.  The business session concluded that morning and was followed by a luncheon which had a buffet of Southern dishes including blackened catfish, chicken with dressing, BBQ with mac n cheese, fried okra, mashed potatoes, salads and cobblers.  The luncheon also served as a fundraiser for CofC scholarships a number of which are awarded each year to high school graduating seniors.  In the afternoon there was a rehearsal for that night's banquet which included a procession of all the flags of the states represented and the sitting and incoming officers as part of the Grand March.  As the time for the banquet approached, the girls started arriving outside the large conference room serving as the banquet venue dressed in beautiful gowns including period attire.  Professional photos were taken of all the state contingents as well as individuals and family groups.  The doors opened and everyone found a seat to watch the opening ceremony as all the children serving as flag bearers and all the officers entered to great pomp and circumstance.  The CofC chaplain provided an invocation which was followed by introductions of special guests including UDC officers in attendance. Additional reports from officers were presented as well as from state/division officers.  The outgoing President gave a touching final address sharing how much membership and serving in the CofC has meant to her and how personally important to her was her project challenging all to read "Christ in the Camp".  The incoming President then addressed the gathering explaining how he has grown up in the CofC and introducing his project for the organization.  The delicious banquet included roast pork loin, mashed potatoes, cream spinach and cheesecake.  The Grand March where the sitting and incoming officers entered in a processional with their escorts was an impressive ceremony where they all eventually joined hands in a circle moving about the dance floor.  The convention concluded but the entertainment was just starting.  A wonderful band with a bass, fiddle, banjo and guitars played live music and most everyone joined in the dancing of the Virginia Reel including Commander Waldo and his daughter who learned the dance thru the instruction and calling and thoroughly enjoyed their first dance together.  It was a busy fun-filled day at the CofC convention and friends from across the Southland were made by the kids and the adults.  

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