Mr. Pruett and Mr. Hughes,
Read with dismay an article this morning on ( ) where Texanna Edwards was denied access to her Gibson County High School prom for wearing a dress which displayed the Confederate Battle Flag. According to the article, the girls dress was actually greeted with compliments by her fellow classmates but the school administration claimed it could incite a racial conflict. While the Confederate Battle Flag has been inappropriately used by hate groups, it is an historically accurate and relevant symbol of the Confederate armies which struggled for their independence in the War Between the States. I believe the Gibson County school district and high school administrators missed a teachable moment in not defending the right of this girl to recognize this symbol of Southern heritage. It was on Tennessee soil that many battles were fought and many Gibson County citizen soldiers joined the fight for liberty in such units as the TN 12th Infantry.
(The same paragraph which was emailed to Roy Masters was then inserted here as it provides a concise defense of the Confederate cause - see blog post for that letter.)
I would beseech you in the future to do some more studying on the facts regarding the War for Southern Independence, more commonly but mistakenly known as the Civil War and to use your position as an educator to actually instruct your students and the general public as to the truths of this important period in our country’s history.