Monday, May 7, 2012

Dragoons at this Weekend's Prattville Cityfest

Saturday May 5th was a good day at the Prattville CityFest and for the SCV Camp 1524 Dragoons.   Festival goers visited the Dragoon table, took away most of the free brochures, flyers, and other publications (e.g. Confederate Issues in Alabama) that we had on the table and, bought a substantial amount of the Quartermaster Stores (e.g. Fattle flags) Fifteen folks provided contact info requesting research info on their ancestor, the SCV, or the Dragoons.  Dragoon volunteers included Tyrone Crowley, Don Drasheff, Larry Miller, Bill Myrick, and Harold Grooms.  Commander Chris Booth and his young'uns and Karl Wade visited on and off during the day. 

Special thanks to Brigade Commander Bill Myrick, for staying all day and for buying hot dogs for the entire crew.  Special recognition to Adjutant Wayne Sutherland, always the key man at these functions for helping to set up/take down/store the canopy, bringing and inventorying items for sale, etc.  A special thanks to these two Dragoons for their part yesterday.

State Senator Bryan Taylor also took the time to stop, while pushing his Battle Flag-waving son in a stroller, to say hello and to apologize for missing our Memorial Day ceremony on Monday 23 April.  

Thanks to one and all who helped or visited.  Another good day for Prattville and the Dragoons.

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