Sunday, October 18, 2015

Prattville Dragoons Chaplain's Column for October 2015

From the Dragoons' Camp 1524 Dispatch newsletter:

Chaplain’s Column:  What is The Secret Of Contentment?
Scripture Philippians 4: 10-13
     Contentment in our age is hard to find and impossible to keep.
When we look around there is always something newer, bigger, or better to buy. When we look around you can always find someone else has what you want.
     As we look at the Bible we see that Paul had an encounter with Jesus on the way to Damascus and his life changed dramatically. He had much to learn about Salvation and following Jesus. From that moment on, the apostle shared with others what he was discovering. In his letter to the Church at Philippi, he wrote an important life lesson --- the secret of being content.
     If asked what kind of life would you live if you had true contentment…What would be your answer? You might assume it is one with few troubles or great success. You may want good health, financial security, and a loving family. Paul’s life was not at all like this. He was in danger from both his own countrymen and the opposition (2nd Corinthians 11:23-26). Sometimes the people listened when he spoke, but they were hostile to his message. He also had a “thorn in his flesh,” which God refused to remove (2 Corinthians 12: 7-9). What’s more Paul spent considerable time in prison, chained to a guard. Yet he boldly wrote, “I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation” (Phil. 4:12 Niv).
     You see the secret that Paul learned was to live on the basis of his position in the Lord, not his circumstances. As God’s child, Paul knew he was spiritually rich---“blessed….with ever spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ” (Eph. 1:3)---because he had a loving father and the Holy Spirit to guide him.
      Contentment in our media-driven age is hard to find and even harder to keep. When you feel unsatisfied, try basing your response on your position as a fellow heir with Christ (Rom. 8:17) rather than feelings.
     Please remember all those on our prayer list.

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