Thursday, May 26, 2011

Alabama Division Reunion - SCV Accomplishments

As was previously reported, members of the Prattville Dragoons attended the annual convention of the SCV Alabama Division in Birmingham on May 21st.  The Commanders report provided a synopsis of the Sesquicentennial celebrations/events including the April inauguration reenactment and Confederate Memorial Day remembrance in Montgomery.  Just some of the additional Division activities included a $6000 check  provided to the Alabama Division to the State Archives for flag preservation.  The SCV Wheeler Camp dedicated a memorial at the site where the last two Confederate veterans had met some half century before in Alabama.  In recognition of the tragic loss of life and property in the recent rash of tornadoes, the Commander alerted everyone to the availability of grants to help provide relief for those requiring assistance to help get back on their feet.  Division funds were also provided to the Decatur and Tallassee reenactors to continue their good work portraying historical events from the War Between the States.  Two of the three annual recipients of the Divisions scholarships were in attendance having both received a one-time $1500 scholarship to further their academics.  Support for high school living history days as well as numerous Sesquicentennial support activities like the funding of the Road to War newspaper inserts was also highlighted.  The Adjutant declared a quorum with 26 camps represented at the convention of 55 in the state (with a membership of 1600).  The 1st and 2nd Lieutenants also reported specifically regarding involvement with Sesquicentennial events and recognized Tyrone Crowley of Camp 1524 and Ann Tidmore of the Confederate White House for their invaluable work and support in Sesquicentennial events throughout the first half of the year.  Copies of the Alabama Confederate Division quarterly newsletter magazine are sent to local schools who request them and an effort will be conducted to provide these to all Alabama legislators to promote the work of the SCV and the Division especially in this important Sesquicentennial period.  The business portion of the convention included votes on Division Constitution Amendments and Resolutions.  Finally, Division and Brigade commendations and meritorious service awards were announced.  It was a great day recognizing all of the important work being done by the SCV in this most important Sesquicentennial anniversary of the founding of the CSA and the War for Southern Independence.

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