Saturday, August 8, 2015

Dragoons Participate in Prattville 4th of July Parade

Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 members and family participated in the Prattville 4th of July parade and were very well received. As the Dragoons entry moved along the parade route, spontaneous applause and cheers arose from the crowd often rising to their feet.  Demand for the mini Confederate Battle flags and SCV recruiting coins was at an all time high. All the candy brought to offer to the children lining the parade was also dispensed including Tootsies and Pixie sticks. After the tumultuous time that Southern Heritage has experienced since the Charleston shootings, this reception was a very positive, uplifting experience. Organizers of the parade wanted all veterans to be recognized and veterans in our group were Bill Myrick, Tyrone Crowley, James Spears, Tom Crowley and Larry Spears. Other Dragoons present were Commander Stuart Waldo and family, 2nd Lt. Commander George Jenks and Forrest Waldo.
The Dragoon Entry for the 4th of July Parade

Commander Waldo Provides a mini-Battle Flag to a Young Parade Spectator

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