Saturday, August 1, 2015

Indian Hill Cemetery Workday

Dragoons attacked Indian Hill Cemetery on Saturday July 18th to maintain the progress made in the past year to clean up the historic site which culminated in the April rededication service.  Danny Smyth assisted earlier in the week spraying undergrowth along the fence line and mowing the grassy area as the entrance.  Saturday morning proved to be a blisteringly hot Alabama summer day but those who participated were able to complete the tasks including spraying weeds and underbrush with herbicide, using weed eaters and swing blades to cut taller vegetation, mowing the portion of the cemetery which had been previously sprayed and, mounting the new Sons of Confederate Veterans Alabama Division Cemetery Guardian sign on the fence along side County Road 86.  Dragoons attending the workday included Commander Waldo, Adjutant Sutherland, Philip Edwards, Allen Herrod, Skip Ward, and Tom Crowley who helped burn some debris with a large stump and tend the fire.  In total the work cut the grass and removed the undergrowth from the trees to create a uniform appearance across the expanse of the cemetery and to hang the sign to provide information to passersby that Camp 1524 is maintaining the site ongoing as well as placing memorial Confederate Battle flags on Confederate veterans graves as part of the Guardian program.

Indian Hill cemetery was not the only site that Dragoons were active on Saturday. New member Cody Simon and his friend Katherine flagged the capitol Confederate monument and spoke with some visitors who happened by about why we do what we do.  A big Confederate salute to Cody for taking a stand for his Southern Heritage!
Philip and Wayne Hang the New Guardian Sign

Allen and Skip Mow the Cemetery
Cody and Katherine

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