Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Prattville Dragoons Camp Meeting for July 2016

Sons of Confederate Veterans Camp 1524 was honored to have the esteemed Dr. Charles Baker as our guest speaker at the Dragoon July meeting. Dr. Baker is the current Alabama Division Chaplain and has served many times in this capacity. He has also been Chaplain In Chief at the National level and is a Past Alabama Division Commander. He pastors an Independent Church in the Center Point area of Birmingham and has been at this location many years.

Dr. Baker spoke on the recent Southern Baptist Convention’s resolution condemning the Confederate Battle Flag which asks Baptists to not allow it to be displayed on Confederate veteran graves in their church controlled cemeteries. Although not a Southern Baptist, he certainly has opinions on this matter and freely shared them with the camp. Dr. Baker asked how these people, who obviously have no regard for the true history of the South and this particular flag, could do such a thing. He emphasized that pastors and delegates should be about telling the truth and if pastors could not tell the Biblical truth, we should not be in their church. He reminded everyone that there are churches where the truth is told and we should seek them out while emphasizing that not all Southern Baptist pastors and delegates were ignorant of the truth and we should support those who do support Biblical truths as well as our shared Southern heritage and traditions. 

Dr. Baker cited the history of the major revivals in the Confederate Army and the fact that these men came home after The War and established churches in their home area because of their conversions experienced in the Army revivals. This led to the South being nicknamed the “Bible Belt”. He questioned how the Southern Baptist delegates could turn their backs on their very founders by condemning the Battle Flag. Dr. Baker said if he was in a church where the pastor supported this resolution, he could not stay there under a pastor who did not acknowledge the truth.

Commander Waldo and others spent a good bit of time explaining our Dixie Butt fund raiser and the details for this year.  Compatriot David Gatch is our Fund Raiser Chairman this year and reports that the fundraiser has gotten off to a strong start.  The monies raised thru this annual fundraiser are used for all the camp's activities including donations to the Alabama Archives for historic flag conservation, heritage defense and monument preservation, community announcements/advertisements, camp stores for cemetery flag settings and community events/parades, and recognition awards such as the JROTC Hunley awards presented at Prattville and Stanhope Elmore High Schools each spring.  

Commander Waldo was the recipient of the Alabama Division Clement C. Clay Newsletter award as (past) editor of our Camp Dispatch. Lt. Brigade Commander Bill Myrick presented the award.

Chaplain Tom Snowden continues to provide an excellent visual presentation via a projection screen of camp members and activities before the meeting. This is reason enough to attend and see this marvelous collection of photos that he has accumulated.  All are encouraged to attend the camp's monthly meetings to enjoy fellowship and educational presentations. The next camp meeting will be August 11 at the Shoney's on Cobbs Ford Rd in Prattville.  
Dr. Baker

Newsletter Award

Dr. Baker's Column Pertaining to the SBC Proclamation

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